20 Yoga Tips
20 Yoga Asanas for a Healthy Heart
Today, the uncomfortable truth is that there is no age factor that determines heart ailments. People in their 20s are falling prey to heart attacks. Is it because like Atlas, the world is on our shoulders? Is it because we skip our meals and substitute it with convenience food with zero nutrition? Probably a mix of these and several other factors of modern living. The problem is that it is telling on our health a few decades earlier than expected.
So, what can we do about it? One option is to include a generous slice of nature in our daily lives. YOGA for instance! This solution is a healthy and natural alternative for heart patients. Yoga exercises are a must as a preventive measure and can be very beneficial as a curative one too.
Let’s see how yoga can help cure heart ailments.
Effect of yoga for heart patients
Yoga is the art of relaxing in different postures while focussing on breathing. As a result, every yoga pose has a particular effect on the respiratory system and therefore, affects the heart as well. Yoga is known to:
- Lower blood pressure.
- Increase lung capacity.
- Lower bad cholesterol levels.
- Improve heart rate.
- Boost blood circulation.
In addition to all of this, it is most effective in dealing with stress. The effect of pressure can never be under estimated. Ask someone who has undergone bypass surgery or suffered cardiac arrests or other heart diseases! If they have lived to tell the tale, they will tell you that they have to continually battle fear and stress.
Yoga is that wholesome panacea that can rid you of stress and heal heart patients physically and mentally.
Yoga exercises for a healthy heart
There are specific asanas in yoga for heart problems. The following yoga asanas begin with simple postures. Gradually, they become more demanding and require greater stamina and strength. The body is more relaxed and rejuvenated as you reach the final postures.
1. Tadasana (Mountain pose)
The mountain pose helps strengthen the vertebral column and the heart. The deep breathing involved also expands the lungs.
The tree yoga pose is an exercise helps in developing a firm and balanced posture. It broadens the shoulders and opens the heart making you feel confident and happy.
3. Utthita Hastapadasana (Extended hands and feet pose)
This yoga posture requires focus and strength to balance. It helps to control weight, thus boosting the health of your heart.
Trikonasana is a heart opening, standing yoga posture designed to promote cardiovascular exercise. The chest expands as breathing becomes deep and rhythmical. It also increases stamina.
The warrior pose improves balance in the body and increases stamina. It also improves blood circulation and releases stress. It keeps the heart rate in check.
In the Utkatasana yoga posture, you can feel the heart and respiration rate increase. This posture stretches the chest and stimulates the heart.
This yoga posture is a welcome relief after the chair pose. It allows the heart rate to settle and become soft and rhythmic again. It also boosts blood circulation.
This yoga posture strengthens the chest muscles and expands the lung region, increasing its capacity.
The bow pose opens up and strengthens the heart region. It is stimulating and makes the whole body flexible.
This pose facilitates deep breathing. It stretches the spine and the chest. It also improves blood flow to the chest region.
This stand pacifies and activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for relaxing the body. It creates space in the chest and can be restful and rejuvenating, both.
13. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting half spinal twist pose)
This twist works on the whole spine and opens up the sides of the chest when performed on the left and right sides. It also stimulates the heart.
14. Paschimottanasana (Two legged forward bend pose)
The Paschimottanasana posture brings the head lower than the heart. This helps in reducing the heart rate and respiration while allowing the entire system to relax.
15. Dandasana (Stick pose)
This pose facilitates a good posture as it strengthens the back. It also stretches the shoulders and chest.
16. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin pose)
The dolphin pose is a little more demanding than the downward facing dog pose. It significantly increases stamina and strengthens the upper body. It prepares you for more heart opening postures.
17. Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana (Dolphin plank pose)
The dolphin plank pose strengthens the shoulders and abdomen. It also calms the body and balances the mind, easing the load off your heart.
18. Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx pose)
The sphinx pose allows the chest to open. It is a mild back bending posture that gently opens the chest and stretches the lungs and shoulders.
19. Shavasana (Corpse pose)
Deep rest is the counter pose for all yoga postures. It allows the body and the breath to relax. It is a wonderful stress buster. It improves the overall health of the heart and body.
20. Anjali Mudra (Salutation seal)
The Anjali Mudra opens the heart, calms the brain. It effectively reduces stress and anxiety. It also better prepares the body for pranayama and meditation.
ReplyDeleteVery good points you wrote here..Great stuff...I think you've made some truly interesting points.Keep up the good work. Yoga, Health and Personal Care